Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Digital Wasteland

{Don't Get Stuck in the Digital Wasteland}

I'm so excited. I just picked up my prints (all 120 something of them!!!) They're not just files made up of digital information in a camera, computer, or harddrive, I made actual PRINTS I can hold, touch and admire even without a computer screen (imagine that). Don't get me wrong, digital photography is wondrous. I was just boasting last night about how great it is that we can have a b&w and color copy of the same image! It used to be an either/or. But, I just have too many images that aren't being enjoyed. They're lost somewhere, on some external harddrive in a digital wasteland, and that's not okay.

It's fun to laugh over a candid just grabbed on your phone and texted to a friend, and facebook is entertainment for hours, but there's nothing like having your images in print form that you can have and hold in your hands.

{above: a polaroid transfer book I made at UC Santa Cruz}
polaroid transfers-the old school hipstamatic photo

Prints are a way to honor your photos, your family, friends and your life. I've resolved this year to not let my photography get stuck in the digital wasteland never to be seen again. And, don't even get me started on crashed external harddrives and computers! (sorry if you've experienced this, it can't be fun.)

{above: a little album from my trip to Europe in '99}
page left: Ocean in Cinque Terre, Italy

I still value my very first personal albums I made when I was really little (clearly they need some attention now, that adhesive is not good...) but they give a glimpse into my world in 1982. Without these albums a lot of the feeling and moments would be lost. I can go through old albums forever...

{above in album my younger sister and brother}

So I'm happy to say I'm following my resolution to have actual prints in my hand every month and not just let them get lost in digital cyberspace. I've convinced myself they don't all have to be edited (the time's not always there for personal stuff) and they don't have to be perfect images, but if they mean something to me; make me feel something, remember something, that's enough. Looks like I need to start a new album. . . So who's with me?

If I can help you make some new images for your albums give me a call at:
I look forward to speaking to you,

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